How Professional Brand Images Will Save You Time
Short on time?
Read on to learn how to get more of your time back.
Let me guess. You clicked on this post because you’ve been feeling overwhelmed in your business and your life, right? That damn never ending to-do list has you up both early in the morning, late at night and working way more than you ever thought you’d be when you started your business. I mean, isn’t the fun in entrepreneurship being able to work when you want and not work when you don’t?
There’s a lot on your plate. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there and have felt so burned out feeling like there was never enough time in the day. It felt like I was wearing so many hats and I just wanted to take a few off and do more of what I loved.
Can I ask you a question?
How much is your time worth?
I really want to know. Stop and think about this for a second. How do you value your hourly time? What tasks in your business feel like a waste of time?
Maybe it’s marketing yourself. Let’s see. how much time does it take you to make a post on social media each day? Start from the top. You’re trying to find the right photo to post of yourself that , but you can’t decide on one that is professional and fitting. You try to take one. 15 selfies later, you try the self timer. Hello awkward faces and being caught running back and forth! Finally, you get one and then you need to edit it. Finally, you finalize the caption and post. All in all, to post just one photo - it can take like 30 minutes, right? Say your trying to post 5 days a week. That adds up to 10 hours per month! What could you do with your business with that time saved if you already had beautiful images of you/your brand ready to go? That’s at least 10 hours a month of your life to put towards something else on that never ending to do list! Having a personal branding session literally will save you more of your precious time.
So friends, how much is that time worth to you? If you want to learn more about branding photography, simply click below.